Monthly Archives: May 2010

Lindsay – excited she made it 13 hours

This is even BEFORE the epidural.

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Epideral is in, Mommy is getting ready for the hard part

Lindsay is resting a bit so she can build up enough energy to push. Continue reading

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12 hour and still going strong

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8 Centimeters

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7 1/2 centimeters

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Slow going

Things are still progressing, but very slowly.  Nothing new or exciting to post – fyi for anyone checking for updates. Continue reading

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Drugs are good

Well, it was getting pretty intense so we decided for some pain killers and that has helped Lindsay relax as much as possible. Continue reading

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The show is on the road

We are in the hospital and things are going well.  Lindsay is doing great.  She is “enjoying” a hot tub bath right now. Continue reading

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“Oh, That is what a contraction is.”

We have started timing the contractions – Lindsay said “oh, that is what contractions are”.  So far, they are about 1 minute in length – we are currently timing how far apart. Continue reading

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