Author Archives: dan

NHibernate using Cascade to merge disconnected objects

Recently, I ran into an issue where I was getting a list of objects separately (and not from NHibernate) and setting the parent objects IEnumerable equal to this returned object. I am not sure if it is an anti-pattern, but … Continue reading

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Google Chrome Handles click event of submit button “differently”.

Well, chrome, you are still my favorite browser, but you are handling the click event improperly. I noticed this after I was not getting any error messages and my form was not posting. Basically, if you do something like this: … Continue reading

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Don’t mix business concerns with your repositories.

Although this may seem like a clear violation of SRP (single responsibility principle), it is often tempting to put simple logic in the repository — DON’T DO IT! Here is the code that I just came across that frustrates me. … Continue reading

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.Net HiddenField ViewState in custom user control not maintained

For those that don’t want to read the details, if you are trying to let .Net manage your viewstate for dynamic input values, it helps to provide an ID so that the control does not have any problems binding the … Continue reading

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Improperly calling EnsureChildControls() will clear your ViewState

I just finished squashing a particularly hard bug to find. I was handing the client a clientID of a server side hidden field control; The client would update that value and, in theory, the value inserted into the hidden field … Continue reading

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Hidden IIS 6 Session State Settings

Well, technically the setting is not hidden, but it is quite misleading. We added a machine config setting that was meant to be the session state setting for all applications unless overridden in the web.config for that application. When you … Continue reading

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JQuery UI simple fix, hard error to find – TypeError: a is undefined

This is my first development blog. I intend to do this much more often on all the little problems I come across, so hopefully I will improve. This happens for one of two reasons: 1. Multiple Ids on the same … Continue reading

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New Year’s 2012 Pictures

Pictures from our new year’s party. Continue reading

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VIDEO: Elaina Laughing at monkey puppet!

Elaina was laughing hysterically at a monkey puppet. See the video here

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Nine Month Pictures

I have selected some of the ones I really like, but you can see all the pictures by clicking
this link.

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