Author Archives: dan

Yeah – Progress!!

Well, we still aren’t to “pushing” yet; however, Lindsay is almost ready, the baby is almost in position, and her cervix is almost complete.

So, all in all, we are ALMOST there.  Hopefully we will meet our baby g irl soon.  I will avoid any wild guessing as to time.
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8 1/2 Centimeters

We are letting the contractions do the work.  Since Lindsay is comfortable with the epidural, the contractions will get the baby in a better position and reduce the amount of pushing necessary.

Baby and mommy are doing great (on heart rate monitor).   We are getting a bit impatient to meet the baby, but all is going well.
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Lindsay is getting some sleep

With the epidural in, Lindsay is able to get some sleep while her body does some work for her.  She will need some energy after being up for over 30 hours and in labor for 15.

Looks like things are going well, and hopefully we will be able to a new member of our family in a couple of hours or less.

I am going to take a nap, or order lunch … not sure yet.
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Lindsay – excited she made it 13 hours

This is even BEFORE the epidural.

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Epideral is in, Mommy is getting ready for the hard part

Lindsay is resting a bit so she can build up enough energy to push. Continue reading

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12 hour and still going strong

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8 Centimeters

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7 1/2 centimeters

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Slow going

Things are still progressing, but very slowly.  Nothing new or exciting to post – fyi for anyone checking for updates. Continue reading

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Drugs are good

Well, it was getting pretty intense so we decided for some pain killers and that has helped Lindsay relax as much as possible. Continue reading

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