First things first – Lindsay is doing well.

Lindsay certainly has a knack for bringing all the on duty staff into whatever room we are in.   She woke up at 4:00am, feeling light headed, and the bed was soaked with blood.

The nurses came in first to get things started, start giving her fluids and assess the situation, then the on call OBs were called, and who knows how many more came in.

After the initial scare, and more pain that childbirth (Lindsay’s words, not mine).   All I can say is that Lindsay didn’t make a peep during labor, but was not as quiet during the almost 1 hour rush to figure out what was wrong and treat what ended up being a giant blood clot – keeping her uterus from “clamping down”.

All is good now and Lindsay is feeding Elaina, although she has a difficult time keeping her eyes open.

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