7 1/2 centimeters

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Slow going

Things are still progressing, but very slowly.  Nothing new or exciting to post – fyi for anyone checking for updates.

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Drugs are good

Well, it was getting pretty intense so we decided for some pain killers and that has helped Lindsay relax as much as possible.

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The show is on the road

We are in the hospital and things are going well.  Lindsay is doing great.  She is “enjoying” a hot tub bath right now.

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“Oh, That is what a contraction is.”

We have started timing the contractions – Lindsay said “oh, that is what contractions are”.  So far, they are about 1 minute in length – we are currently timing how far apart.

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Helpful instructions for parents to be

I found these very helpful, so I hope others will too.  I am sure it prevented me from making plenty of understandable mistakes.

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We have all wanted to do it.



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Holiday Quotes

“In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it ‘Christmas’ and went to church; the Jews called it ‘Hanukkah’ and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say ‘Merry Christmas!’ or ‘Happy Hanukkah!’ or (to the atheists) ‘Look out for the wall!'” – Dave Barry

See, everyone can have their own holidays without it being a “war”
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It’s an X-Ray of a Peanut :-)

Well, if you don’t know the big news, Lindsay is pregnant. We are really excited and now can join the ranks of forcing all our acquaintances to look at all the pictures and artwork from our genius prodigy.

In order to kick it off, I have posted the first ultrasound.


AWWWWW sooo cute!!!
is that a nose or an arm?

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I am making Lindsay’s First Blog post (this is Dan)

I am trying to show Lindsay how she can add stuff to our new website, and she is so excited that she wanted me to do it.

Come back soon for more interesting information and goings on with the Kaufman family.

–Lindsay (actually Dan)

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